Partners Group Listed Investments SICAV – Listed Private Equity recorded a further value gain in February. Most portfolio companies have published their results and were able to convince investors with stable underlying fundamentals. All sectors contributed positively, particularly alternative asset managers and business development companies performed best. In February, the business development company Oaktree Specialty Lending was able to show the progress made with their turnaround plan for the portfolio. The company was able to publish an increase in NAV and continued to successfully rotate out of legacy assets.
Also, Brookfield Business Partners, a global direct investment company focusing on business services and industrial companies, convinced investors with solid annual results. For example, the funds from operations increased by 265%. This result is mainly driven by a strong operational performance as well as by contributions from acquisitions. The Canadian private equity company Onex, continued to grow in February after having published strong financial results in the previous month. The increase in February is partly due to the assumption that Onex is about to exit Advanced Integration Technology, which could fetch more than USD 1.5 billion.