What Next For Russia?

Main takeaways from our visits to Moscow and St Petersburg Russia remains at the top of the world’s low cost producers of oil (est. cost $4/barrel) and gas thanks to the decline in Ruble and revenue in US $. Given the massive devaluation of the Ruble, Russia is...

FMG (EU) Rising 3 Fund gained +9.6% in the 2nd Quarter

The FMG Rising 3 Fund registered a strong performance for Q2 of 2016. With the major sell off in Emerging Markets behind us, the market was on fire, particularly those which have a high market beta nature such as Russia. Market sentiment definitely changed in April...

FMG China Fund Outperforms – Market Update

Update – FMG China Fund FMG (EU) China Fund B ISIN MT0000077512, 2014-12-19 to 2016-04-29, data source: Bloomberg. We are pleased to report an outstanding performance in the FMG China Fund, which registered a YTD* gain of +3.4%, significantly outperforming the...

FMG (EU) Rising 3 Fund lost 3.6% in the 1st Quarter

The FMG Rising 3 Fund registered a satisfactory performance for Q1 of 2016 given the volatility of moves we had in the markets during that period. January proved to be a horrible start to the year with most Emerging Markets entering bear market territory. All markets...