Russia Russia is a winner from the energy imbalance we are witnessing now where the price of both liquid natural gas and crude is shooting up. The popularity of the green shift/ESG investing has diverted capital away from oil and gas and related fossil fuel producers...
China reported a record 18.3% GDP growth for the first quarter, a record since statistics have been compiled over nearly 30 years. This indicates that China’s economy is flying back to pre-pandemic levels. 2021 marks the first year in the new five year plan where...
As the name suggests, the FMG Rising 3 Fund invests in Russian, Chinese and/or Indian equities. Russian equities followed an improved global sentiment during the quarter and recouped some of the lost ground from the horrific first quarter, helped by a gigantic...
After gaining 50% last year, the market gave up this gain in the first quarter. The stock market is now selling at a P/E of 5 and a dividend yield of 7%. Russian equities suffered from the oil war with Saudi Arabia that started in March in addition to the fast...
India underperformed emerging markets in general by almost 10% and both mid and small size/cap companies dramatically underperformed the large cap companies. In a country where almost one billion people are elegible to vote, another successful election took place in...
The Fund is currently fully invested with a roughly equal weighting across China, India and Russia. In Russia, despite the fact that the Economic growth in the first quarter of 2019 was lower than the Bank of Russia’s expectations (0.5% vs 1.2%), overall the...