FMG (EU) MENA Fund lost 27.1% in the 1st Quarter

The MENA region was dragged down with global markets and hardest hit was the UAE (-30%) and Kuwait (-28%) while the less liquid and more isolated markets such as Tunisia (-6%) and Oman (-19%) fared better. The UAE market took the heaviest beating on the back of a...

FMG Iraq Fund lost 19.3% in the 1st Quarter

In the first quarter the Iraqi market, as measured by the Rabee Index, decreased by 15%. The market was weak throughout the quarter but much less volatile compared to the unprecedent moves seen in global equity markets in March. The Iraqi Dinar was stable while the...

FMG (EU) India Opportunity Fund lost 30.3% in the 1st Quarter

The stock market lost 25% in March, the worst month since October 2008. In a land with around 1.3 billion people, the government made the unprecedented move on 25th March to lock down the entire nation for an initial period of three weeks. What a logistical...

FMG (EU) China Fund lost 8.2% in the 1st Quarter

China has outperformed other emerging markets during the quarter as the Chinese government took drastic measures to stop the covid-19 from spreading.  When number of virus-related deaths started to drop and the trend continued, factories resumed operations back to...

Manager Comment Q4 2019 – Private Equity Fund

In December, Partners Group Listed Investments SICAV – Listed Private Equity further increased in value and outperformed broader equity markets comfortably, leading to the Fund’s highest annual return since inception. Overall equity markets performed strongly on the...