FMG (EU) Combo Fund lost 0.9% in the 1st Quarter

After being 10% down in January, the Fund bounced back sharply in February and March due to our exposure in China, India and more generally Emerging Markets. After raising cash levels to almost 30%, we made the right calls in identifying that the sell-off in January...

FMG (EU) China Fund lost 14.2% in the 1st Quarter

The China A Share market’s activity in the 1st quarter of 2016 can be encapsulated in the first two weeks of trading, with the market falling 25% and only bouncing back slightly throughout the remainder of Q1. The Fund slightly under-performed the Shanghai Composite,...

FMG (EU) Africa Fund lost 6.9% in the 1st Quarter

African stock and currency markets started the year on a very sour note. However, from mid-January the markets recovered at a steady pace and BRVM, Morocco and Kenya were the top performing markets up 10%, 9% and 6%, while Nigeria and Egypt lost 17% and 7%. After the...

Private Equity Fund – Now Available Through FMG 

The Fund provides efficient and direct access to the global asset class Private Equity with daily liquidity. It invests in listed companies whose returns are predominantly generated through investments with a private equity approach. The investment universe consists...