Manager Comment for Mekong Fund

World and Asian Markets recovered strongly in June as trade tensions eased: the Hang Seng Index gained +6.1% (-1.4% 12 Months), the MSCI Asia ex Japan Index +9.9% (-2.9% 12M), the MSCI AC ASEAN Index 6.8% (+8.4% 12M), and Thai SET Index +9.9% (+16.8% 12M), Knight...

Manager Comment May 2019 – Vietnam Fund

The Vietnam Fund returned −3.3% in May with a NAV of USD 1,780.23, bringing the return since inception to +78.0%. This represents an annualized return of +11.2% p.a. The Ho Chi Minh City VN Index in USD lost −2.8%, while the Hanoi VH Index lost −3.7% (in USD terms)....

Manager Comment May 2019 – Asia Frontier Fund

The Asia Frontier Fund declined −1.5% in May 2019. The fund outperformed the AFC Frontier Asia Adjusted Index (−4.7%), the MSCI Frontier Markets Asia Net Total Return USD Index (−2.1%) and the MSCI World Net Total Return USD Index (−5.8%) but underperformed the MSCI...

Manager Comment May 2019 – Listed Private Equity Fund

In May, Partners Group Listed Investments SICAV – Listed Private Equity developed much more stable than the broader equity market. In particular, funds of funds demonstrated their defensive characteristics. The British Intermediate Capital Group convinced...

Manager Comment May 2019 – Listed Infrastructure Fund

In May, the Partners Group Listed Investments SICAV – Listed Infrastructure remained broadly flat in a month where global equity markets lost significantly in value and hence outperformed the market. Once again, the Fund demonstrated its stable characteristics...