Manager Comment Q4 2019 – Infrastructure Fund

In December, the Partners Group Listed Investments SICAV – Listed Infrastructure further increased in value, contributing to its second-best annual performance ever, while the global equity markets performed strongly on the back of various positive news. The US...

Manager Comment Q4 2019 – Vietnam Fund

The AFC Vietnam Fund gained +2.3% in December with a NAV of USD 1,789.27, bringing the return since inception to +78.9%. This represents an annualized return of +10.1% p.a. The Ho Chi Minh City VN Index in USD lost −0.9%, while the Hanoi VH Index gained +0.1% (in USD...

Manager Comment Q4 2019 – Asia Frontier Fund

The AFC Asia Frontier Fund (Non-US) (AAFF) USD A-shares increased by +0.9% in December 2019 with a NAV of USD 1,273.43. The fund outperformed the MSCI Frontier Markets Asia Net Total Return USD Index (-3.2%) but underperformed the AFC Frontier Asia Adjusted Index...

Manager Comment Q4 2019 – Mekong Strategy Fund

World and Asian Markets finished strong in December: the Hang Seng Index +11.0% for the Year, the MSCI Asia ex Japan Index +16.3% the MSCI AC ASEAN Index +5.8%, Thai SET Index +9.7%, FTSE Vietnam +5.9%, Knight Mekong Strategy Fund +12.2%, and the Knight Asia...