of Global GDP
of Global Market Cap
Combined Population (bn)
of Proven Oil Reserves
Today’s young people will be tomorrow’s consumers and producers. When one considers the 20 most populous nations, 9 are considered Frontier Markets, 8 are Emerging Markets and only 3 are Developed Markets.
Macro Picture: Strong macroeconomic fundamentals
Debt/GDP: FM 40%, EM 50%, DM 80%
Valuations: Valuations are very attractive
Correlation: Low correlation to EM and DM
Growth: GDP growth forecast (10Y): FM+7%, EM+5%, DM+2%
Demographics: Constitute 40% of the world’s 14 to 25 year olds

The Asia Frontier Fund is designed to offer investors high returns which have a lower correlation with global and emerging markets and provide a significant diversification opportunity. The fund universe consists of Asia frontier countries which exhibit favorable demographics combined with rising incomes and high GDP growth rates.
Due to the structural changes taking place in these economies, the fund invests in listed equities of companies that have their principal business activities in these high growth Asian frontier countries. The current fund universe consists of Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Iraq, Laos, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka and Vietnam.
Manager Comment June 2019 – Asia Frontier Fund
The Asia Frontier Fund USD A-shares declined −0.4% in June 2019 with a NAV of 1,309.34. The fund outperformed the AFC Frontier Asia Adjusted Index (−9.3%) while performance was similar to the MSCI Frontier Markets Asia Net Total Return USD Index (−0.4%), however the...
- Vietnam 23%
- Mongolia 17%
- Bangladesh 17%
- Iraq 10%
- Uzbekistan 9%
- Sri Lanka 6%
- Cash 6%
- Pakistan 5%
- Myanmar 5%
- Laos 2%
- Papua New Guinea 2%
- Kazakhstan 1%
Investment Profile
Investment Focus
Investment Objective
Investment Horizon
Risk Level (1-7)
Fund Type
Fund Structure
Base Currency
Minimal Init. Investment
Frontier Markets
Asia Frontiers
Public Equities
Minimum 5 Years
Single Managed
Open Ended Investment Company
Segregated Accounts
March 2012
$25,000 or lower when dealt via »»
Prenotice (Buy)
Prenotice (Sell)
Cut-off Time
Load Fee
Annual Management Fee
Performance Fee
Income Distribution
5 Business Days
A:90 B:180 Calendar Days
5:00PM ADT
Up to 5%
A: 1.8% B: 1.5%
A: 10% B: 8% (HWM)
Cayman Islands
Deutsche Bank
Custom House
Ernst & Young
Inquiring more information or subscription details - Asia Frontier Fund
Disclaimer: FMG (MALTA) Ltd. (“FMG”) is licensed by the Malta Financial Services Authority (“MFSA”) as a category 2 Investment Services Provider as provided in the Investment Services Act Chapter 370 of the Laws of Malta. FMG is authorized to act as a full scope alternative investment fund manager (“AIFM”) in terms of Directive 2011/61/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on alternative investment fund managers (“AIFMD”). This summary is for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy. Citizens or residents of the United States and India may not invest in these Funds. All Funds may not be marketed to Swiss citizens or residents except those considered as “regulated qualified investors” by the Swiss Collective Investment Schemes Act and the Swiss Collective Investment Schemes Ordinance. All Funds are not to be marketed to EU or EEA investors. Investors who wish to obtain information on these funds will only be provided any such materials upon receipt of an appropriate reverse solicitation request in accordance with the requirements of the EU AIFM Directive, Swiss Law and/or national law in their home jurisdiction. Opinions and estimates constitute the manager’s judgment and are subject to change without notice. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments in Emerging Markets should be considered high risk where a portion or total loss of capital is conceivable. The synthetic risk-indicator illustrated herein comprises 60 months returns calculated in USD and is updated once per annum. No assurance can be given that the investment objective will be achieved or that an investor will receive a return of all or part of his/her initial capital, and investment results can fluctuate substantially over any given time period. Please refer to the relative fund’s prospectus which contains brief descriptions of certain risks associated with investing in the fund. FMG funds or third-party funds marketed by FMG are aimed at experienced investors and you have to ensure you are able to invest in such funds. Questions should be directed to your local representative or financial advisor. This document may not be reproduced, distributed, or published for any purpose without the prior written consent of the manager. All information contained in this communication is as provided by FMG (MALTA) Ltd. Return chart: Asia Frontier Fund ISIN KYG0133A1186, MSCI FM Asia Index (USD). Exposure chart updated January 2020. Data Sources: Bloomberg & AFC Ltd. Copyright (C) 2022 FMG. All rights reserved